VVDI Porsche Programming Guide VVDI Prog+ VVDI2
New Porsche Key Programming by Xhorse VVDI Devices
Tools Required:
Firstly, the immobilizer data is stored in BCM modules. (e.g. new Porsche Cayenne, Panamera)

For this type, the procedures are the same whatever it's Add Key or All Key Lost.
Step 1. Remove BCM
Remove the BCM module, which is behind the guard plate.
Step 2. Read D-Flash
Read and save D-Flash data by a programmer. (Here we use VVDI PROG)

During data reading, we should care:
1)The position of removed components (Solder back the diode in the right direction) and restoration of cut wires.
2)If BCM doesn't work because of soldering, mostly the rely runs out abnormally and the car can't start.
3)Select Backup Read to read data, and learn new keys via OBD.
If we want Write via Dump file, select Unlock Read, unlock to read&write and lock in the end, but risks may happen in Flash process.
Step 3. Prepare Dealer Key
Here we use VVDI2.
On Porsche page, Select
Key Learn>>New Porsche Key>>Prepare Dealer Key>>BCM Mask (e.g. EEPROM [1N35H])
Load D-Flash file, select key position, and generate dealer key.
1)If we want Write via Dump, need to save the new file and write it back to BCM by programmers, and then we can start the car.
2)If we want Learn Key by VVDI2, then we don't have to save the new file, just go to Step 4.
Step 4. Learn New Key
On VVDI2, Select
Key Learn>>New Porsche Key>>Learn
Follow the instructions. (
If all keys are lost, we need to step on brake and turn on&off the emergency light to establish connection with the car before we enter Learn page)

After Key Learn, remote and smart functions will work automatically, and all keys not around can't start the car.
1)Keys of these models have frequencies of 315, 433, 434mhz
2)Unlock Read these BCMs could cause P-Flash data loss.