How to activate MQB license?
What are the Conditions to Add the MQB License?
- To activate this feature, you need to own VVDI2 + VVDi Prog or VVDI Key Tool Plus (VVDI prog and VVDI2 both SN are needed)
- All key lost requires third-party cooperation to obtain certain data and may incur extra charges
- Support read immo data for MQB48 type (with NEC35**chip) which can not read by OBD. Alos support add key and all key lost (require synchronize data).
- Make sure your devices are registered before activating the MQB license. If you are not sure if your SN is registered, please send us the SN of Key Tool Plus or VVDI2 and VVDI Prog and we will check for you.
- VVDI2 must be full version, the basic version can not be added with MQB license
How To Activate New MQB Features?
No Need Shipping! Please provide the S/N of your device after paying for this license.
If you have a Key tool plus, just send us the S/N of your key tool plus device.
If you have a VVDI2, please send us the S/N of both VVDI2 and VVDI Prog, after activated, the function will be binded to the VVDI prog you provided.