
DSG GEARBOX ECU Data Adapter Use on PCMFlash PCMtuner KESSV2

DQ250 / DQ200 / VL381 / VL300 / DQ500 / DL501 DSG by Godiag GT107 ECU IMMO Kit For PCMFlash PCMtuner KESSV2
What is DSG GEARBOX ECU Data Adapter ?
DQ250 / DQ200 / VL381 / VL300 / DQ500 / DL501 Gearbox Data Read
Clone, Diagnose and Repair DSG Gearbox ECU
Read, Write and Adjust data for DSG Gearbox ECU
For Pcmflash,KessV2, Pcmtuner Software

This adapter has automatic and manual selection for PCMFlash software. For data reading and writing, you can choose “Auto”, and for diagnosis you can choose ”Manual”. For other software kessv2, DQ200, DQ250, DQ500 you can also choose “Manual”.

Moreover, with the car battery power, the adapter can directly read and write DSG Gearbox data and you can clearly check the communication status during the data reading and writing process.

with kess v2

godiag gt107

gt107 dsg pinout 3

Connection Diagram & Operation:

Used with PCMtuner:

pcm tuner

Easy Operation:

1. Connect Godiag GT107 to the gearbox ECU DQ250, DQ200, VL381, VL300, DQ500, DL501.
2. Connect Godiag ECU IMMO Prog AD and connect 12V 2A DC power supply.
3. The GODIAG GT107 analog ignition switch is in "Auto" mode if it is not pressed, and it is in "Manual" mode if it is pressed down(Note: Please select the corresponding mode in the software for data reading)
4. Connect PCMFlash, PCMTuner J2534passthru.
5. Connect the computer to open the software and select "Auto".

gt107 connect with pcm
gt107 connect with kess v2

Used with KESSV DQ200, DQ250, DQ500:
Easy Operation:
1. Connect Godiag GT107 to gearbox ECU DQ250, DQ200, DQ500.
2. Connect Godiag ECU IMMO Prog AD and connect vehicle battery or 12v 3A power supply.
3. Connect kessv2 device, and press down the GT107’s switch to make it in “Manual” ignition mode.
4. Connect the computer to open the software.

use on kess v2
gt107 to gearbox ECU DQ250, DQ200, DQ500.

Used on the Car:

gt107 use on the car